I.VW | About us

Institute of Insurance Economics

The team at the I.VW-HSG works across disciplines and cooperates with a large number of institutes and universities in Switzerland and abroad. Key responsibilities include:

  • Research: We work in an interdisciplinary and future-oriented approach and are active in both basic and applied research with our main research areas.

  • Teaching: We ensure that the insurance industry is represented and anchored at one of Europe’s leading business schools and secure the next generation of academics for the industry.

  • Executive Education: With our executive education courses, we are one of the leading and internationally recognized management development institutes; we combine modern management knowledge with insurance industry expertise.

  • Transfer: We use the international network of the I.VW-HSG for future-oriented projects and practice-oriented problem solutions.


Former Fellows

Ackermann, Walter, Prof. Dr. HSG em.
Affolter (née Holzmüller), Inés, Dr. oec. HSG, Swiss Re
Annen, Matthias, M.A., Sevida GmbH
Artho, Guido, lic. oec. HSG
Barwitz, Niklas, Dr. oec. HSG, Hilti Group
Beer, Simone, Dr. oec. HSG, UBS
Ben Ammar, Semir, Dr. oec. HSG, Deutsche Bank
Mountains, Emanuel
Bieler, Martin, Dr. oec. HSG
Bodderas, Mareike, Dr. oec. HSG, Accenture
Brutyan, Arina, Dr. oec. HSG
Bühler, Pascal, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Cachelin, Joel-Luc, Dr. oec. HSG, Knowledge Factory St.Gallen
Chang, Hsiao-Yin, Dr. oec. HSG
El Hage, Bernard, Dr. oec. HSG, TONI Digital Insurance Solutions AG
Elvedi, Mauro, MSc, LGT
Erdönmez, Mukadder, Dr. oec. HSG, HDI Global SE
Faust, Roger, Dr. oec. HSG, Allianz Suisse
Fey, Jan-Christian
Feyerherd, Elke
Fischer, Marius, Dr. oec. HSG, Swiss Re
Fischer Lukas, Dr. oec. HSG, Munich Re
Gatzert, Nadine, Prof. Dr. oec. HSG, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Geser, Margarete
Ghavibazoo, Omid, Dr. oec. HSG
Goll-Staedler, Carmenita
Graf, Albert, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Haas, Markus, Helsana
Haller, Matthias, Prof. Dr. oec. HSG, Emeritus Chairholder
Holder, Tanja
Hartmann, Kaspar, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Heer, Matthias, lic. oec. HSG, SIX
Hepenstrick, Martin
Hoermann, Gudrun, Dr. oec. HSG, Munich Re
Huber(Gantenbein-), Carin, Dr. oec. HSG, Zurich Insurance Group
Jaenicke, Christoph, Dr. oec. HSG
Jahnert, Jonas Raphael, Dr. oec. HSG, Bain & Company
Jung, Kwangmin, Prof. Dr. oec. HSG, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Käslin, Bruno, Dr. oec. HSG, Allianz Suisse
Klein, Florian, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance

Kruthof, Garvin, the Furniture
Laas, Daniela, Dr. oec. HSG
Lang, Daniel, Dr. oec. HSG, Migros Bank
Lehmann, Martin, Dr. oec. HSG, Horn & Company
Luca, Daliana, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Luhnen, Michael, Dr. oec. HSG, McKinsey & Company
Lutz, Monika
Maas, Peter, Prof. Dr.
Milanova, Veselina, Dr. oec. HSG, iptiQ by Swiss Re
Miller, Christine
Müller (Trümpler-), Katja, Dr. oec. HSG, Zurich Insurance Group
Niedermann, Carmen
Orozco-Garcia, Carolina, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Pankoke, David, Dr. oec. HSG, BearingPoint AG
Parnitzke, Thomas, Dr. rer. pol., Basler Versicherungen
Pradhan, Shailee, PhD. oec. HSG, ETH Zurich
Reichel, Lukas, Dr. oec. HSG, Munich Re
Ruo, Jia, Prof. Dr. oec. HSG, Peking University
Rüfenacht, Matthias, Dr. oec. HSG, Baloise Group
Rymaszewski, Przemyslaw, Dr. oec. HSG, Zurich Insurance Group
Schlager, Tobias, Prof. Dr. oec. HSG, University of Lausanne
Schaper, Philipp, Dr. oec. HSG, Swiss Re
Schaumann, Edith
Schnell, Werner, Dr. oec. HSG
Schreiber, Florian, Dr. oec. HSG, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Schuckmann, Stefan, Dipl.-Kfm., zeb/rolfes.schierenbeck.assosiates, Münster
Schumacher, Christopher, Dr. oec. HSG
Siegel, Caroline, Dr. oec. HSG, zeb/rolfes.schierenbeck.assosiates, Munich
Steiner Philipp, Dr. oec. HSG, Helvetia Insurance
Steiner, Robert, Franklin Templeton Investments
Störmer, Tina, Dr. oec. HSG
Talamona, Nadia
Toplek, Denis, Dr. oec. HSG, M.Sc. Math., Allianz SE
Waeber, Aline
Wagner, Joël, Prof. Dr., University of Lausanne
Wirfs, Jan, Dr. oec. HSG, PwC
Xu, Jiahua, Dr. oec. HSG, UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies
Zeier Röschmann, Angela, ZHAW School of Management and Law
Zemp, Alexandra, Dr. oec. HSG, McKinsey & Company

Become part of our team

Here you will find current job postings. We regularly have several vacancies for research assistants. We look forward to receiving your application.

Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr. Axel Lehmann (President)
    Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse (until 6/2023). Titular Professor of Business Administration, University of St.Gallen

  • Fabian Rupprecht
    Chairman of the Executive Management Helvetia Group (until 9/2023)

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Lechner
    Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Institute of Business Administration (IfB-HSG), University of St.Gallen

  • Stefan Loacker
    Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Life Group, Member of the Board of Directors of Swica

  • Dr. Monika Sebold-Bender
    Member of the Supervisory Board Marco insurance pcc ltd and British re-serve insurance company ltd

Promotion Society

The Promotion Society of the I.VW-HSG supports and promotes the activities of the I.VW-HSG. The General Assembly of the Promotion Society takes place annually in June. The Board of Directors of the Promotion Society is made up of the following persons:

Fabian Rupprecht, Helvetia Insurance, St.Gallen

Vice President
Michèle Rodoni, Die Mobiliar, Bern

Board of Directors
Urs Arbter, Swiss Insurance Association (SIA), Zurich
Jörg Asmussen,German Insurance Association (GDV), Berlin
Urs Baertschi, Swiss Re, Zurich
Juan Beer, Zurich Switzerland, Zurich
Christian Eltner,Austrian Association of Insurance Companies (VVO), Vienna
Arndt Gossmann, Gossmann & Cie. Group, Hamburg
Dr. Martin Kessler, Kessler & Co AG, Zurich
Dr. Ruedi Kubat, Allianz Suisse, Zurich
Jean-Daniel Laffely, Vaudoise Assurances, Lausanne
Roman Stein, Swiss Life AG, Zurich
Clemens Markstein, Baloise Schweiz, Basel
Fabrizio Petrillo, AXA Switzerland, Winterthur
Birgit Rutishauser, FINMA, Bern
Roman Sonderegger, Helsana Group, Zurich
Dr. Ingo Telschow, Mercedes-Benz Insurance Services GmbH, Stuttgart
Felix Weber, SUVA, Luzern

Annual Report

An overview of the activities of the I.VW-HSG is summarized in our annual report.

Jahresbericht bils
Open flipbook