Chairs & Research Teams
With seven professors and around 30 employees, the Institute of Insurance Economics (I.VW) is one of the leading teaching and research institutions for risk management and insurance economics.
Chair for Risk Management
The research interests of the Chair of Risk Management and Insurance Economics include insurance pricing, life insurance, social security systems, capital allocation, performance measurement, reinsurance and actuarial issues. Other areas of specialisation are asset-liability management, incentive systems in insurance, regulation and transparency regulations.
Chair for Insurance Management
The Chair of Insurance Management works internationally, empirically and application-oriented. Current research interests include the following areas: Digitalization, Microinsurance and Social Security. Further interests are in the areas of regulation, risk management and asset management.
Innovation in Risk and Insurance
The Innovation in Risk and Insurance competence team bundles key topics of the future in the insurance sector. With a holistic approach, theoretical and empirical methods are used to find adequate solutions in the areas of InsurTech, Alternative Risk Transfer and more.
Behavioral and Experimental Research in Risk and Insurance
The research group Behavioral and Experimental Research in Risk and Insurance works on better explaining human behavior under risk and uncertainty on the basis of economic and psychological findings. We do this on the basis of behavioral experiments and individual data sets and thus contribute to the development of solutions for welfare improvement.
Risk Management and Asset Pricing
Quantitative risk management, insurance, and asset pricing are areas of focus, exploring new methods for handling extreme event risk and studying the advantages of risk sharing in insurance, along with solvency regulation. Ongoing research involves topics such as risk pooling, insurance regulation, capital requirements, market tail risk, cross-sectional stock return tail risk pricing, and the use of option prices for forward-looking risk management.
Actuarial Science
The research and teaching focus of the area lies on life and pension insurance, considering both policyholders’ and insurers’ perspectives. Our research aims to provide solutions to academic debates as well as practical issues. To deliver appropriate solutions to our research questions, we rely on an interdisciplinary approach, combining pure and applied mathematics, economics, finance and computer science.
Forschung & Publikationen
Die Forschung im Bereich Risikomanagement und Versicherung stellt einen zentralen Baustein unserer Tätigkeit dar
Das I.VW betreibt intensive Grundlagenforschung, um die gesellschaftlichen, finanziellen, regulatorische und technologischen Entwicklungen für Versicherungsunternehmen besser analysieren zu können. Wissenschaftliche Lösungsansätze basieren dabei grundsätzlichen auf praktischen Problemstellungen.
Global Excellence
The Institute of Insurance Economics (I.VW) of the University of St.Gallen belongs to a small circle of university research institutions that have received a double award on the international stage for outstanding research and teaching in risk management and insurance.
1st place in the «Global Research Rankings of Actuarial Science and Risk Management & Insurance».
According to the 2020 «Global Research Rankings of Actuarial Science and Risk Management & Insurance», the I.VW is ranked 1st in the world in the field of Risk Management & Insurance, and 2nd in the world in the joint ranking of “Actuarial Science and Risk Management & Insurance”. The ranking was first compiled by the Actuarial Science program at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and published in the newsletter of the American Risk and Insurance Association.
International Insurance Society’s Top20 as «Global Centers of Excellence»
Twenty universities from around the world were recognized in 2017 by the International Insurance Society as «Global Centers of Excellence» (GCIE) under a certification program for outstanding commitment to advancing insurance knowledge and research. The I.VW-HSG was the only Swiss university to receive the coveted GCIE designation for meeting the rigorous criteria and demonstrating that HSG students can learn first and foremost from a designated full-time faculty with appropriate academic qualifications and research expertise.