I.VW | Trendmonitor

Institute of Insurance Economics

The «St.Galler Trendmonitor für Risiko- und Finanzmärkte» is quarterly magazine published by the Institute of Insurance Economics, in which experts from the field and academics present their latest findings on topics and trends from the financial services sector. In addition, specialist conferences, studies and research results are selected and summarized.

Current issue

In this special edition of the Trendmonitor, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of our institute. Since 1949, we have been accompanying and shaping the development of the insurance industry. This special anniversary edition offers a look back at our history as well as insights into the current role of the institute through voices from academia, industry, and society.

  • Die Geschichte des I.VW
  • Der Blick zurück – Themen und Erfahrungen
  • 75 Jahre Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft an der Universität St.Gallen
  • 75-Jahr-Jubiläum I.VW-HSG – Brückenschlag zwischen Forschung und Praxis
  • Die Perspektive der Fördergesellschaft

  • Mehr Sachlichkeit: Wie die Wirtschaft von der Wissenschaft profitiert – und umgekehrt
  • Unser Jubiläumsformat
  • Review: Electronic Commerce in der Assekuranz
  • Review: Transformation des Rückversicherungsgeschäfts durch elektronische Marktplätze
  • Review: Cyberinsurance – Versicherung gegen Internet-Risiken
  • Review: Die Verpflichtungen im Fokus – das Risikomanagement von Pensionsvermögen
  • Review: Systematisch auf den Kunden ausgerichtet

Our professional magazine «St.Galler Trendmonitor für Risiko- und Finanzmärkte» has been the I.VW-HSG trendsetter for the German-speaking insurance industry for 40 years now. As part of the Future.Value service packages, the magazine can be obtained free of charge exclusively by employees of Future.Value partner companies and features carefully curated articles written by pre-selected authors in either German or English. You can order the magazine (PDF or physical) here.

How to Order

The «St.Galler Trendmonitor für Risiko- und Finanzmärkte» looks back on an over 40-year history of identifying trends in and for the German-speaking insurance industry. The aim of the professional magazine «St.Galler Trendmonitor für Risiko- und Finanzmärkte» is to identify and process relevant information as an early warning system for rising challenges, to foster innovation and knowledge management for companies in the insurance and financial services industry, and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between science and practice.

As part of the Future.Value service packages, the magazine can be obtained free of charge by employees of Future.Value partner companies. You can order the magazine (PDF or physical) here.

You are an employee of a Future.Value partner company? Then you can read the preview of the current issue here and order your free complete copy online here.

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Submission of Contributions

If you would like to publish an article in our Trendmonitor, please send a proposal to our editorial team following the guidelines set out in the below call for papers. Manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by the editors regarding their quality, relevance to current topic, and the interests of our readership.

Future topics:

  • Q4 / 2024: Emerging markets

Please also consider our authors’ guidelines (PDF) for final submissions, which will ask you to comply with should we accept your proposal. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Editorial Team

Editorial Board

  • Prof. Dr. Hato Schmeiser
    Professor and Managing Director

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Eling
    Professor and Director

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Biener
    Professor and Director

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Braun
    Professor and Director

Topics of the «St.Galler Trendmonitor»